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  • Examples of BAC Exercises: Grammar

    Examples of BAC Exercises: Grammar

     إمتحان خاص بقواعد اللغة
     هنا تجد تمارين الإمتحان الثاني في الدورة الثانية. نفس التمارين التي توجد أسفله توضع في الإمتحانات الوطنية، يعني تذكر المطلوب منك. ما هو المطلوب مني؟
    في التمرين الأول: الكلام المنقول [reported speech] إذا لم تفهم الدرس جيدا إضغط هنا لقراءة الدرس الكامل.
    في التمرين الثاني: هو [conditional type 3] إذا لم تفهم الدرس جيدا إضغط هنا لقراءة الدرس الكامل.
    في التمرين الثالث: التمني في الماضي و الحاضر [present wishes and past wishes] إذا لم تفهم الدرس جيدا إضغط هنا لقراءة الدرس الكامل.

    تمارين خاصة بقواعد اللغة لمستوى الباكالوريا

    D) Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given.
    a..“I have attended this seminar many times before” The journalist said.
    The journalist said he that seminar many times before.
    b..“You should always take part in voluntary work activities” My teacher advised me.
    My teacher advised me part in voluntary work activities.
    c..“Do you know the missions of this organization?” a reported asked me.
    A reporter asked me if I the mission of that organization.
    d..“Don’t use your phones this classroom” The supervisor warned students.
    The supervisor warned students their phones in that classroom.
    e..“Don’t act like a fool when you are around people” My friend warned me.
    My friend warned me like a fool when I am around people
    E) Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given:
    a..Mr. White did not complete his paperwork, as a result, the boss fired him that afternoon.
    If Mr. White his paperwork, the boss him that afternoon.
    b..The police arrested the criminal because he robbed 10.000 $ from the local bank.
    If the criminal the bank, the police him.
    F ) Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given
    a..I want to login my Facebook account, but I don’t have the passcode.
    I wish I the passcode.
    b..Leila did not complete her studies because her mother was sick.
    If only she her studies.
    c..My best friend lives far away from me, I miss him.
    I wish my best friend live far from me.
    d..It’s a pity! I did not study harder when I was in primary school.
    I wish I harder when I was in primary school.
    e..I played football and I broke my leg.
    I wish I football.
    f..I don’t have a new job.
    I wish I a new job.
    G) Link the following sentences using the given expressions:
    a..People take part in voluntary work. They want to serve their community. (so as to)
    (*) people take part in voluntary work so as to serve their community
    b..Mr. Nick is a very rich man, but he drives an ordinary car. (Despite)
    (*)despite the fact that Mr. Nick is a very rich man, he drives an ordinary car
    c..Skilled workers immigrate to western countries because they want to get better jobs. (in order to)
    (*)skilled workers immigrate to Western countries in order to get better jobs
    d..He presented solid arguments, but he did not convince them to hire him. (Although)
    (*)although he presented solid arguments, he did not convince them to hire him

    This exercise (1) has been made Mohamed Boujamaa at English With Simo

    الإنجليزية مع السيمو مدونة للأستاذ محمد بوجامع من المغرب. هذه المدونة مصممة لمساعدة المتعلمين العرب على فهم جميع دروس اللغة الإنجليزية لجميع المستويات و كذلك تأهيل المتعلمين لإجتياز الإمتحانات الوطنية بنقط مشرفة. لذلك يتم إستعمال اللغة العربية لشرح دروس الإنجليزية مع تقديم تمارين، نمادج إمتحانات، شروحات بالفيديو و كذلك كتب و برامج تعلم الإنجليزية.

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