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  • Examples of BAC Exercises: Writing and Language Functions

    Examples of BAC Exercises: Writing and Language Functions

    تمارين الإمتحان الوطني حول وضائف اللغة [Functions] و الإنشاء [Writing]

    هنا تجد تمرين حول وضائف اللغة [Functions]، نفس التمارين تجدها في الإمتحانات الوطنية: المطلوب منك هو ربط الجمل بوضائفها اللغوية. هناك أيضا نمودج إنشاء [Writing] حول كتابة بريد إلكتروني [E-mail] إلى صديقك تنصحة لمعالجة مشكل الإدمان على الأنترنت [Internet Addiction]. 

    A..Match the following expressions with their appropriate functions.
    Definition | asking for advice | giving advice | expressing uncertainty | expressing certainty
    Racism designates hatred towards other people:
    I have insomnia, what can I do?:
    It’s crystal clear that technology changed our lives:
    If I were you, I would study 4 hours every day:
    I doubt it that this project will actually work:

    Writing: An Email To Your Friend 

    Your best friend is addicted to the internet. He spends 20 hours in front of his computer. He really needs help. Send your friend a short e-mail giving him a piece of advice to help him get over internet addiction and focus on his studies.
    Tips: Organize your time / delete your Facebook account / do your school duties first / go out with friends / go to cinema / sleep early and wake up early.

    Example Of The E-mail (personal e-mail)

    Dear My friend,
    How are you? How is your family? I hope you are fine and happy. I am writing this e-mail regarding the problem you have with internet addiction. I would like to give you a piece of advice and help you get over that problem. My friend Alex, you should delete your facebook account because chatting on facebook all day is very dangerous. Besides, I advise you to organize your time. For example, do your school duties first. After that, you can watch TV for sometime. In addition, if I were you, I would go out with friends. You can go to cinema, or a theater and enjoy your time. Just stay away from the computer. I hope this will help you overcome that problem of internet addiction.
    Write me back soon.
    Take care buddy
    Your friend Simo

    الإنجليزية مع السيمو مدونة للأستاذ محمد بوجامع من المغرب. هذه المدونة مصممة لمساعدة المتعلمين العرب على فهم جميع دروس اللغة الإنجليزية لجميع المستويات و كذلك تأهيل المتعلمين لإجتياز الإمتحانات الوطنية بنقط مشرفة. لذلك يتم إستعمال اللغة العربية لشرح دروس الإنجليزية مع تقديم تمارين، نمادج إمتحانات، شروحات بالفيديو و كذلك كتب و برامج تعلم الإنجليزية.

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