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  • Linking Words and Reading Comprehension text on mobile phones

    Linking Words and Reading Comprehension text on mobile phones


    ESL-Teacher: Mohamed Boujamaa @ englishwithsimo.com ® 2017
    The telephone can be defined as a device that we use to do a lot of things such as calling people, taking pictures, sending messages and recording videos. However, no one can deny that the telephone has a lot of benefits and disadvantages as well.
    Concerning the advantages, the telephone is very useful because it helps people communicate with each other all over the world. Besides, many people use the telephone to take very nice pictures. Furthermore, it helps you to record videos of and share them with your family and friends. In addition, the telephone has many other options such as: the calculator, the countdown, the alarm clock, mp3 player …
    On the other hand, mobile phones have a lot of disadvantages. For instance, some young people use their phone to chat on Facebook. As a result, they become addicted to Facebook and neglect their school duties. Moreover, it is not free to use the phone. That is to say, you always have to pay money to make calls, send messages and surf the internet. Additionally, hackers can steal private photos and videos from the phone and share them on the internet.
    In brief, mobile phones are very useful. But, everyone should be aware of its advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, they will be able to use their phones the right way.
    Mention two advantages of the phone.
    a)       It helps people communicate with each other all over the world.
    b)      It helps you record videos and share them with family and friends. 
     Mention two disadvantages of the phone.
    a)       Some young people become addicted to facebook.
    b)      It is not free to use the phone 
    What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
    a)       It : mobile phone
    b)      They : some young people
    c)       Its : mobile phone 
    Find in the texts words which mean the same as:
    a)       Advantages : benefits
    b)      Personal : private

    Underline all the linking words that you can find in the text.

    Classify those linking words in the following chart:

    فكرة أخرى
    New idea

    For this reason



    As a result



    As a consequence
    Can be defined as

    Refers to

    Can be describe as

    As well



    In addition






    Such as

    For instance

    For example

    That is to say

    In other words

    To put it differently

    On the other hand


    As for

    With regard to
    In brief

    To sum up


    In a nutshell


    7. Exercise One: Fill in the blanks with the correct linking word

    a) The school gave Hamza and award because  he got the best mark last year. [despite / although / because / as a result]
    b) Although he is very sick, he goes to school every day. [despite / although / because / as a result]
    c) He has achieved a lot in his life despite working in very bad conditions. [despite / since / because / yet]
    d) His parents are illiterate consequently, they did not send him to school. [despite / consequently / because / although]
    e) International organizations solve problems such as wars, conflicts, famine and poverty. [besides / example / likewise / such as]
    f) They are twins but Khalid like football whereas Amine like basketball. [but / whereas / because / such as]

    8. Exercise Two: Link the following sentences using the expressing given.
    a) TV is a source of information. It is a source of entertainment (besides)
    => TV is a source of information. Besides, it is a source of entertainment.
    b) He got a very good mark. The test was very difficult (although)
    => Although the test was difficult, he got a very good mark.
    c) He got a very good mark. The test was very difficult (despite)
    => Despite the fact that the test was difficult, he got a very good mark.
    d) He got a very good mark. The test was very easy. (as a result)
    => The test was very easy, as a result, he got a very good mark.
    e) The government did not offer them medical support. They had to contact and international organization (therefore)
    => The government did not offer them medical support, therefore, they had to contact an international organization

    الإنجليزية مع السيمو هي منصة و مدونة تعليمية يستضيفها بشكل أساسي هذا الموقع الرسمي و قناة تعليمية على منصة اليوتوب و الفايسبوك تحت نفس الإسم ، ويديرها الأستاذ محمد بوجامع من المغرب. تهدف هذه القناة إلى تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية للناطقين بالعربية، مع التركيز على جعل الدروس سهلة الفهم لجميع الأعمار والمستويات. تقدم القناة مجموعة متنوعة من المحتوى، بما في ذلك تمارين لمتعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية، ودروس تعليمية حول القواعد والمفردات، ودروس محددة مصممة للطلاب المغاربة الذين يستعدون لامتحان البكالوريا و الإمتحانات الجامعية و مختلف الإمتحانات المتعلقة بتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية.

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