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  • Grammar Review For Second Year BAC | National Exam Exercises

    Grammar Review for Second Year Bac

    I. The Simple Past Tense: زمن الماضي
    زمن الماضي [simple past] هو ببساطة نستعمله عندما نتحدث عن أفعال أو أحداث وقعت قبل الآن. ولكن السؤال الذي يطرحه غالبية التلاميذ هو: "كيف سنعرف أن الفعل يجب تصريفه في زمن الماضي؟" مثلا في هذين المثالين:
    1. Next week, I ________ (visit) my family. 
    2. Last year, I ________ (visit) my family.
    في المثال الأول الفعل [visit] يجب أن يكون في زمن المستقبل [future] لأنه لدينا عبارة [next week] التي تعني [الأسبوع المقبل] و الجواب على الجملة هو:
    1. Next Week, I will visit my family. 

    أما في المثال الثاني، فالفعل [visit] يجب أن يكون في زمن الماضي [simple past] لأنه لدينا عبارة [Last year] التي تعني [السنة الماضية] و تدل على زمن الماضي. و الجواب على الجملة هو:
    2. Last year, I visited my family. 
    أمثلة أخرى لجمل في زمن الماضي

    Put the verbs between brackets in the simple past.
    1. Daniel studied (study) English last semester.
    2. I met (meet) the headmaster two hours ago.
    3. I did not watch (not/watch) the football game last night.
    4. Did you go (you/go) to the stadium last weekend?
    5. Jack was (be) in Florida two years ago.
    6. My favorite team won (win) the previous game.
    7. Last week Sara had (have) a very bad flu.
    8. We did not have (not/have) time to write all the lessons before.
    9. Many students were (be) absent yesterday.
    10. Najib Mahfoud wrote (write) awesome novels.
    11. The teacher spoke (speak) English at the meeting two hours before.
    12. I really understood (understand) this lesson last session.
    13. My father gave (gave) me a phone after passing my exam.
    14. The weather changed (change) immediately yesterday.
    15. I sent (send) my friend two e-mails, but he did not reply (not/reply).

    II. Past Perfect Tense = زمن الماضي التام
    زمن الماضي التام [past perfect] نستعمله عندما نتحدث عن حدثين وقعا في الماضي. الحدث الذي وقع أولا نضعه في زمن الماضي التام [past perfect] و الحدث الذي وقع ثانيا نضعه في زمن الماضي [simple past]. مثلا:
    البارحة، أتممت عملي ثم ذهبت إلى النوم.
    1. Yesterday, I had finished my work then I went to sleep.
    في هذا المثال الحدث الذي وقع أول هو [أتتمت عملي] و الحدث الذي وقع ثانيا هو [ذهبت إلى النوم] لذلك في هذه الجملة  و ضعنا الفعل الحدث الأول في زمن الماضي التام [past perfect] و هو [had finished] أما الحدث الثاني فنضعه في زمن الماضي.
    لاحظ أن الجمل تتضمن غالبا كلمات [before]=[قبل] أو [after]=[بعد] لتبين ما هو الحدث الذي وقع أولا و الحدث الذي وقع ثانيا.
    أمثلة أخرى لجمل في زمن الماضي التام

    Put the verbs between brackets in the past perfect. 
    1. Ami _______ (work) in the call center before she _______(become) a teacher.
    Ami had worked in the call center before she became a teacher.
    2. Before he _______(graduate) from university, he _______(already/write) a book.
    Before he graduated from university, he had already written a book.
    3. After he _______(be) a teacher of physics, Mr. Kim _______(change) his job to a manager.
    After he had been a teacher of physics, Mr. Kim changed his job to a manager.
    4. Najib Mahfoud _______ (write) many novels before he _______ (die).
    Najib Mahfoud had written many novels before he died.
    5. After they _______ (be) married for many years, they finally _______ (divorce).

    After they had been married for many years, they finally divorced.

    III. The Future Perfect = المستقبل التام
    نستعمل زمن المستقبل التام [future perfect] عندما نتحدث عن حدث سيقع في أفق وقت ما في المستقبل. مثلا نقول:

    في أفق 2030 سيكون العلماء قد إكتشفو علاجا لمرض السرطان.
    1. By 2030, scientist will have founda cure to cancer.

    القاعدة هي [will have + past participle] ولكن كيف نعرف أن الجملة تتحدث عن المستقبل التام [future perfect]. الجواب هو أن الجملة تجد فيها دائما عبارة [By] + زمن ما في المستقبل مثل: [by 2030] و [by 2090] و [by 8:00]. لاحظ هذه الأمثلة:
    a) By 2070, researchers _______ (discover) cures to different diseases.
    By 2070, researchers will have discovered cures to different diseases.

    Put the verbs between brackets in the future perfect.
    1.By 9:00 students _______ (finish) doing their exercises.
    By 9:00 students will have finished doing their exercises.
    2.Students _______(take) all their exams by 15 June.
    Students will have taken all their exams by 15 June.
    3. _______(you/find) a job by the time you get a degree?
    Will you have found a job by the time you get a degree?
    4. By the time he comes back to Morocco, he _______ (get) more work experience.
    By the time he comes back to Morocco, he will have got more work experience.
    5. By this night, I _______(read) two chapters of the book.
    By this night, I will have read two chapters of the book.
    6.By the time you get old, you _______(learn) many life lessons
    By the time you get old, you will have learned many life lessons

    خلاصة تجمع أهم الأزمنة [اللون الأحمر] و الكلمات التي تدل عليها [اللون الأزرق]
    My friend Veronica worked in a supermarket in America three years ago. But, before she emigrated to USA, she had already got a degree of business management in Morocco. Now, she is working as a manager in a private company. Recently, she has decided to start her own business. By 2021, she will have become a leader in business management.
    Exercise On Tenses For Second Year BAC

    Exercises Made By English With Simo
    I. The simple past tense.
    Put all the verbs between brackets in the simple past.
    1. Yesterday, I (revise) my lessons very well.
    2. Last weekend, we (not/go) to cinema.
    3. I (send) my friend an e-mail last week.
    4. My friend (reply) to my email on time.
    5. My father (give) me a very nice book yesterday.
    6. The journalist (write) and article about the match two hours ago.
    II. The past perfect tense.
    Put all the verbs between brackets in the past perfect.
    1. Ahmed (work) in America before he came back to Morocco.
    2. When we arrived at the station, the train (already/leave).
    3. I (take) my BAC degree before, I went to vocational training.
    4. When the teacher came, some students (organize) the room for the presentation.
    5. She (be) in Australia before coming to Morocco.
    6. After he (write) many novels, Najib Mahfoud died.
    III. The future perfect.
    Put all the verbs between brackets in the future perfect.
    1. By the end of this session, we (finish) reported speech lesson.
    2. Scientists (find) a cure to AIDS by 2069.
    3. I am sure this boy (get) his degree by the end of this year.
    4. By the time you grow up, I (give) you the keys to this magic box.
    5. When my friends arrived, my birthday party (already/start)
    6. I (not/complete) this work before you come.
    IV. Simple future
    Put all the verbs between brackets in the simple future.
    1. Next week, we (see) our friend Jack in the city.
    2. I am sorry, I (not/come) to your birthday party next weekend.
    3. Tomorrow, we (study) philosophy because the teacher is sick.
    4. If you work harder, you (earn) a lot of money.
    5. If you plan your life well, you (not/have) any problems.
    6. All these good things (happen) only if you marry me.

    الإنجليزية مع السيمو هي منصة و مدونة تعليمية يستضيفها بشكل أساسي هذا الموقع الرسمي و قناة تعليمية على منصة اليوتوب و الفايسبوك تحت نفس الإسم ، ويديرها الأستاذ محمد بوجامع من المغرب. تهدف هذه القناة إلى تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية للناطقين بالعربية، مع التركيز على جعل الدروس سهلة الفهم لجميع الأعمار والمستويات. تقدم القناة مجموعة متنوعة من المحتوى، بما في ذلك تمارين لمتعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية، ودروس تعليمية حول القواعد والمفردات، ودروس محددة مصممة للطلاب المغاربة الذين يستعدون لامتحان البكالوريا و الإمتحانات الجامعية و مختلف الإمتحانات المتعلقة بتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية.

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