🔴الكلام المنقول (Reported Speech) للثانية بكالوريا مع التمارين | الإنجليزية مع السيمو

Reported Speech By English With Simo

Second Year Baccalaureate Classes

Direct Speech: What someone said directly.
Indirect Speech: We quote what someone said in the past.
الخطاب المباشر: ما قاله شخص ما في الماضي
الخطاب الغير مباشر: هو إعادة قول ما قاله شخص ما في الماضي


Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
"I play football" Jack Said.
Jack said that he played football.
"I played football" Jack Said.
Jack said that he had played football.
"I am playing football" Jack Said.
Jack said that he was playing football.

إنطلاقا من هذه الأمثلة ينبغي أن تلاحظ أن الفعل يتغير زمنه عندما ننتقل من الخطاب المباشر (Direct speech) إلى الخطاب الغير المباشر (Indirect speech). في الجدول أسفله تجد جميع التغيرات التي تطرأ على أزمنة الأفعال:

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
1. Simple present (play)
Simple Past (played)
2. Simple past (played)
Past perfect (had played)
3. Present continuous (is/are playing)
Past continuous (was/were playing)
4. Past continuous (was/ were playing)
Past perfect continuous (had been playing)
5. Present perfect (has/have played)
Past perfect (had played)
6. Past perfect (had played)
Past perfect (had played)
7. Simple future (will play)
Conditional (would play)
8. Can (can play)
Could (could play)
9. May (may play)
Might (might play)
10. Must (must play)
Had to (had to play)
11. be going to (is/are going to play)
Was/were going to (was/were going to play)

🔴Read the following examples carefully and pay attention to tense changes.
1. "I want to drink some coffee" He said
➡️He said that he wanted to drink some coffee.
2. "I tried to call you yesterday" Lena said.
➡️Lena said that she had tried to call me the day before.
3. "I am cleaning the room now" James said.
➡️James said that he was cleaning the room then.
4. "I will bring you my book tomorrow" She said.
➡️She said that she would bring me her book the following day.
5. "I can speak different languages" The man said.
➡️The man said that he could speak different languages.
في هذه الأمثلة ستلاحظ أن هناك تغيرات أخرى ليس فقط في زمن الأفعال (Verb tenses) بل كذلك في بعض الكلمات التي تدل على الزمان و المكان. لاحظ هذا المثال جيدا:

🔴الخطاب المباشر: "أنا أسكن في هذا المكان الآن" قال علي
🔴الخطاب الغير مباشر: قال على أنه كان يسكن في ذلك المكان في ذلك الوقت
🔴Direct speech: "I am living in this place now" Ali said
🔴Indirect speech: Ali said that he was living in that place then.

Changes In Expressions of Time and Place
التغيرات في ألفاظ الزمن و المكان

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
That day
The previous day
The following day
The following
The previous

🔴Read the following examples carefully and pay attention to tense changes.
1. "I am working here" the man said.
➡️The man said he was working there.
2. "I will see you tomorrow" she said.
➡️She said that she would see me the following day.
3. "I worked in this place last week" he said.
➡️He said that he had worked in that place the previous week.
4. "I have completed three exercises today" students said.
➡️Students said that they had completed three exercises that day.
5. "I am starting a new project next week" He told me.
➡️He told me that he was starting a project the following week.

More Examples

🔴Read the following sentences and download more exercises from the link below
🔴Simple present: "I like my dog so much" Amina said.
➡️Amina said that she liked her dog so much.
🔴Simple past: "I worked in this company for a very long time" The man said.
➡️The man said that he had worked in that company for a very long time.
🔴Simple Future: "My friend will come to the party next week" Jasmine said.
➡️Jasmine said that he friend would come to the party the following week.
🔴Present continuous: "I am watching the television now" My father said.
➡️My father said that he was watching television then.
🔴Past continuous: "I was cooking dinner for the guests" My mom said.
➡️My mom said that she had been cooking dinner for the guests.
🔴Present perfect: "I have finished all the work in this company" The man said.
➡️The main said that he had finished all the work in that company.
🔴Past perfect: "I had never seen an elephant before" My son stated.
➡️My son stated that he had never seen an elephant before.
🔴Modal can: "I can fix this computer in five minutes" the programmer said.
➡️The programmer said that he could fix that computer in five minutes.
🔴Modal may: "I may come visit you next week" my friend told me.
➡️My friend told me that he might come visit me the following week.
🔴Be going to: "My friend is going to bring a pizza from the mall" Jack said.
➡️Jack said that his friend was going to bring a pizza from the mall.

روابط تحميل ورقة التمارين