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  • Reported Speech Exercises By English With Simo

    Reported Speech Online Exercise

    English With Simo

    What is Reported Speech
    🔵Direct Speech is what a person says directly and to indicate that, we put their words between quotes as in the following example:
    Examples: "I like ice-cream" Lissa said.
    🔵Indirect speech is quoting or repeating what the person said exactly as in the following example:
    Example: Lissa said that she liked ice-cream.

    From these examples, you notice that there is a change in the tense of the verb. That is to say, in the direct speech the verb (like) is in simple present, while in the indirect speech, it has changed to (liked) which is the simple past.

    In reported speech there are major changes that occur not only in the tense of verbs, but also in expressions of time and place as well as pronouns.

    Changes In Tenses of Verbs

    Reported Speech Tense Changes
    Simple Present
    Simple Past "I work in this place" He said He said that he worked in that place
    Simple Past
    Past perfect "I worked in this place" He said that he had worked in that place
    Present continuous
    Past continuous "I am working in this place" He said He said that he was working in that place
    Past continuous
    Past perfect continuous "I was working in this place" She said She said that she had been working in that place
    Present Perfect
    Past perfect "I have worked in this place" He said He said that he had worked in that place
    Past perfect
    Past perfected "I had worked in that place" He said He said that he had worked in that place
    Would "I will work in this place" She said She said that she would work in that place
    Could "I can work in this place" He said He said that he could work in that place
    Might "I may work in this place" He said He said that he might work in that place
    Had to "I must finish this work" He said He said that he had to finish that work.

    Changes In Time and Place Expressions

    Changes In Time And Place Expressions
    Here There
    Now Then
    Today That day
    Tomorrow The following day
    Yesterday The day before
    Next The following
    Last The previous
    This That
    These Those
    Ago Before

    Reported Speech Exercise

    Rewrite the following sentences as suggested
    1) "I live in this place" Jack said.
    → Jack said (that) .
    2) "I worked in this company last year" Alex said.
    → Alex said (that) .
    3) "I am playing video games now" My brother said.
    → My brother said (that) .
    4) "I have finished the exercise" The student said.
    → The student said (that) .
    5) "I will write these lessons next week" Leila said.
    → Leila said (that) .
    6) "I can speak different languages" The tourist said.
    → The tourist said (that) .
    7) "I must feed my cat" Veronica said.
    → Veronica said (that) .
    9) "We may come to the party next week" My friends said.
    → My friends said (that) .
    10) "I had completed my project before" The businessman said.
    → The businessman said (that) .

    روابط تحميل ورقة التمارين

    الإنجليزية مع السيمو هي منصة و مدونة تعليمية يستضيفها بشكل أساسي هذا الموقع الرسمي و قناة تعليمية على منصة اليوتوب و الفايسبوك تحت نفس الإسم ، ويديرها الأستاذ محمد بوجامع من المغرب. تهدف هذه القناة إلى تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية للناطقين بالعربية، مع التركيز على جعل الدروس سهلة الفهم لجميع الأعمار والمستويات. تقدم القناة مجموعة متنوعة من المحتوى، بما في ذلك تمارين لمتعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية، ودروس تعليمية حول القواعد والمفردات، ودروس محددة مصممة للطلاب المغاربة الذين يستعدون لامتحان البكالوريا و الإمتحانات الجامعية و مختلف الإمتحانات المتعلقة بتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية.

    الكاتب : English With Simo

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