English With Simo - Your Pathway To Excellence

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  • العودة الى الصفحة الرئيسية
  • 🔴تحويل الأسئلة من الخطاب المباشر إلى الخطاب الغير مباشر (Reporting Questions) + تمارين تفاعلية

    🔴تحويل الأسئلة من الخطاب المباشر إلى الخطاب الغير مباشر (Reporting Questions) + تمارين تفاعلية

    Reported Speech By English With Simo

    Reporting Questions

    🔴Yes / No Questions

    تحويل الأسئلة من الخطاب المباشر إلى الخطاب الغير مباشر

    تنقسم الأسئلة إلى نوعان، هناك أسئلة يكون جوابها إما بنعم أم لا تسمى (Yes/No questions) و هناك أسئلة نطرحها بإستعمال عبارات طرح السؤال مثل (What, Why, When,) و تسمى (Wh-questions) و لكل نوع قواعده الخاصة في الخطاب الغير مباشر (Reported Speech).

    Yes / No Questions
    🔴“Do you love this place?” My friend asked me
    🔴“Did you love this place?” My friend asked me
    🔴“Are you cleaning the room?” He asked me
    🔴“Have you finished that work?” He asked me
    🔴“Can you speak English?” A tourist asked me
    🔴“Will you come to this meeting?” she asked me
    Reporting Yes/No Questions
    🔴“Do you love this place?” My friend asked me
    → My friend asked me if I loved that place.
    🔴“Did you love this place?” My friend asked me
    → My friend asked me if I had loved that place.
    🔴“Are you cleaning the room?” He asked me
    → He asked me if I was cleaning the room.
    🔴“Have you finished that work?” He asked me
    → He asked me if I had finished that work.
    🔴“Can you speak English?” A tourist asked me
    → A tourist asked me if I could speak English.
    🔴“Will you come to this meeting?” she asked me
    → She asked me if I would come to that meeting.
    The Rule of Reporting Yes/No Questions
    ... if + subject + verb (tense changed)


    🔴“What is tolerance?” He asked me.
    🔴“Where have you worked before?” He asked me
    🔴“Why was the baby crying?” She asked me
    🔴“When will the teacher come?” He asked
    🔴“What can you do in this company?” he asked me
    🔴“What were you reading yesterday?” he asked me
    Reporting Wh-Questions
    🔴“What is tolerance?” He asked me.
    → He asked me what tolerance was.
    🔴“Where have you worked before?” He asked me
    → He asked me where I had worked before.
    🔴“Why was the baby crying?” She asked me
    → She asked me why the baby had been crying.
    🔴“When will the teacher come?” He asked me
    → He asked me when the teacher would come.
    🔴“What can you do in this company?” he asked me
    → He asked me what I could do in that company.
    🔴“What were you reading yesterday?” he asked me
    → He asked me what I had been reading the day before.
    The Rule of Reporting Wh-Questions
    ... Wh-word + subject + verb (tense changed)

    تذكر دائما أنه عندما تحول الأسئلة من الخطاب المباشر إلى الخطاب الغير مباشر، يتغير زمن الفعل و تتغير كلمات الزمان و المكان و كذلك الضمائر.

    I. Rewrite the following sentences as suggested.

    1) “Are you happy with this service?” The waiter asked me.
    ✅ The water asked me .

    2) “Have you done all the work here?” My father asked me.
    ✅ My father asked me .

    3) “Will you come to the meeting tomorrow?” The manager asked me.
    ✅ The manager asked me .

    4) “Did any people visit the monument before?” A tourist asked me.
    ✅ A tourist asked me .

    5) “Are you going to move to another place?” The landlord asked me.
    ✅ The landlord asked me if I was going to move to another place.

    6) “Were your brothers revising their lessons?” My mother asked me.
    ✅ My mother asked me .

    7) “Where is the post office?” A tourist asked me.
    ✅ A tourist asked me .

    8) “Where did you travel last year?” My friends asked me.
    ✅ My friends asked me .

    9) “Why was the baby crying all night?” The husband asked his wife.
    ✅ The husband asked his wife .

    10) “What do you want for breakfast today?” The waiter asked me.
    ✅ The waiter asked me .

    11) “What did you want for breakfast?” The waiter asked me.
    ✅ The waiter asked me .

    12) “How did you fix this computer?” My father was wondering.
    ✅ My father was wondering .

    More Important Topics For You

    الإنجليزية مع السيمو هي منصة و مدونة تعليمية يستضيفها بشكل أساسي هذا الموقع الرسمي و قناة تعليمية على منصة اليوتوب و الفايسبوك تحت نفس الإسم ، ويديرها الأستاذ محمد بوجامع من المغرب. تهدف هذه القناة إلى تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية للناطقين بالعربية، مع التركيز على جعل الدروس سهلة الفهم لجميع الأعمار والمستويات. تقدم القناة مجموعة متنوعة من المحتوى، بما في ذلك تمارين لمتعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية، ودروس تعليمية حول القواعد والمفردات، ودروس محددة مصممة للطلاب المغاربة الذين يستعدون لامتحان البكالوريا و الإمتحانات الجامعية و مختلف الإمتحانات المتعلقة بتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية.

    الكاتب : English With Simo

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