🔴تحويل الأسئلة من الخطاب المباشر إلى الخطاب الغير مباشر (Reporting Questions) + تمارين تفاعلية

Reported Speech By English With Simo

Reporting Questions

🔴Yes / No Questions

تحويل الأسئلة من الخطاب المباشر إلى الخطاب الغير مباشر

تنقسم الأسئلة إلى نوعان، هناك أسئلة يكون جوابها إما بنعم أم لا تسمى (Yes/No questions) و هناك أسئلة نطرحها بإستعمال عبارات طرح السؤال مثل (What, Why, When,) و تسمى (Wh-questions) و لكل نوع قواعده الخاصة في الخطاب الغير مباشر (Reported Speech).

Yes / No Questions
🔴“Do you love this place?” My friend asked me
🔴“Did you love this place?” My friend asked me
🔴“Are you cleaning the room?” He asked me
🔴“Have you finished that work?” He asked me
🔴“Can you speak English?” A tourist asked me
🔴“Will you come to this meeting?” she asked me
Reporting Yes/No Questions
🔴“Do you love this place?” My friend asked me
→ My friend asked me if I loved that place.
🔴“Did you love this place?” My friend asked me
→ My friend asked me if I had loved that place.
🔴“Are you cleaning the room?” He asked me
→ He asked me if I was cleaning the room.
🔴“Have you finished that work?” He asked me
→ He asked me if I had finished that work.
🔴“Can you speak English?” A tourist asked me
→ A tourist asked me if I could speak English.
🔴“Will you come to this meeting?” she asked me
→ She asked me if I would come to that meeting.
The Rule of Reporting Yes/No Questions
... if + subject + verb (tense changed)


🔴“What is tolerance?” He asked me.
🔴“Where have you worked before?” He asked me
🔴“Why was the baby crying?” She asked me
🔴“When will the teacher come?” He asked
🔴“What can you do in this company?” he asked me
🔴“What were you reading yesterday?” he asked me
Reporting Wh-Questions
🔴“What is tolerance?” He asked me.
→ He asked me what tolerance was.
🔴“Where have you worked before?” He asked me
→ He asked me where I had worked before.
🔴“Why was the baby crying?” She asked me
→ She asked me why the baby had been crying.
🔴“When will the teacher come?” He asked me
→ He asked me when the teacher would come.
🔴“What can you do in this company?” he asked me
→ He asked me what I could do in that company.
🔴“What were you reading yesterday?” he asked me
→ He asked me what I had been reading the day before.
The Rule of Reporting Wh-Questions
... Wh-word + subject + verb (tense changed)

تذكر دائما أنه عندما تحول الأسئلة من الخطاب المباشر إلى الخطاب الغير مباشر، يتغير زمن الفعل و تتغير كلمات الزمان و المكان و كذلك الضمائر.

I. Rewrite the following sentences as suggested.

1) “Are you happy with this service?” The waiter asked me.
✅ The water asked me .

2) “Have you done all the work here?” My father asked me.
✅ My father asked me .

3) “Will you come to the meeting tomorrow?” The manager asked me.
✅ The manager asked me .

4) “Did any people visit the monument before?” A tourist asked me.
✅ A tourist asked me .

5) “Are you going to move to another place?” The landlord asked me.
✅ The landlord asked me if I was going to move to another place.

6) “Were your brothers revising their lessons?” My mother asked me.
✅ My mother asked me .

7) “Where is the post office?” A tourist asked me.
✅ A tourist asked me .

8) “Where did you travel last year?” My friends asked me.
✅ My friends asked me .

9) “Why was the baby crying all night?” The husband asked his wife.
✅ The husband asked his wife .

10) “What do you want for breakfast today?” The waiter asked me.
✅ The waiter asked me .

11) “What did you want for breakfast?” The waiter asked me.
✅ The waiter asked me .

12) “How did you fix this computer?” My father was wondering.
✅ My father was wondering .

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