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  • سلسلة التمارين التفاعلية: (Conditional Type Three) الإنجليزية مع السيمو

    سلسلة التمارين التفاعلية: (Conditional Type Three) الإنجليزية مع السيمو

    سلسلة التمارين التفاعلية: (Conditional Type Three) الإنجليزية مع السيمو

    Conditional Type Three Exercises (English With Simo)

    هذه السلسة من التمارين التفاعلية يقدمها موقع الإنجليزية مع السيمو للمتعلمين للتمرن أكثر على قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية المهمة جدا لإجتياز الإمتحانات الوطنية و الحصول على نقط مشرفة. في كل درس من دروس قواعد اللغة أقدم لك تمارين تتضمن عشرون جملة تجيب عليها بنفسك و تصحح لنفسك. إن كانت أغلب إجاباتك خاطئة أنحصك بالعودة إلى شرح الدرس بالفيديو على قناتي في اليوتوب بإستعمال الروابط أسفله:

    روابط فيديوهات الدرس

    Conditional Type Three Exercises

    🔴 My friend did not come to school early. He missed English class.
    1. If my friend to school early, he English class.
    🔴 Smith was not very careful. As a result, he had a very bad accident.
    2. If smith very careful, he a very bad accident.
    🔴 Jack ate so much food. He became ill the following day.
    3. Jack ill the following day if he so much food.
    🔴 He did not apply for that job. They did not call him for an interview.
    4. If he for that job, they him for an interview.
    🔴 My brother did not buy that computer because I did not have enough money for it.
    5. My brother that computer if he enough money for it.
    🔴 The teacher punished Jack yesterday because he did not do his homework.
    6. If Jack his homework, the teacher him yesterday.
    🔴 My phone was broken. I did not call you yesterday.
    7. If my phone broken, I you yesterday.
    🔴 The lesson was very boring, that's why many students did not understand it.
    8. Students the lesson if it so boring.
    🔴 Many students did not come to school yesterday because it was raining heavily since the morning.
    9. Many students to school yesterday if it raining heavily yesterday since the morning.
    🔴 Ali came to school very late. The teacher sent him out.
    10. If Ali to school very late, the teacher him out.
    🔴 The government did not pay teachers in Morocco. They stopped working for a long time.
    11. If the government teachers in Morocco, they working for a long time.
    🔴 We did not stay in that hotel because they did not have a good WI-FI connection.
    12. If they a good WI-FI connection, we in that hotel.
    🔴 Many students did not understand the lesson because the teacher did not explain it very well.
    13. If the teacher the lesson, many students it very well.
    🔴 My football did not play well last week. They lost the game.
    14. My team the game if they well last week.
    🔴 Mr. Smith drove his car so carelessly. He crushed into a big tree.
    15. If Mr. Smith his car so carelessly, he into a big tree.
    🔴 Jamal did not invite me to his birthday party, that's why I didn't go there.
    16. If Jamal to his birthday party, I there.
    🔴 The police arrested the criminal because he robbed the bank downtown.
    17. The police the criminal if he the bank downtown.
    🔴 I did not know your address. I didn't visit you.
    18. If I your address, I you.
    🔴 Jamila left school at a very early age because her parents were very poor.
    19. Jamila school at an early age if her parents poor.
    🔴 My brother did not buy that car because he spent all his money on other things for the house.
    20. My brother that car if he all his money on other things for the house.

    الإنجليزية مع السيمو هي منصة و مدونة تعليمية يستضيفها بشكل أساسي هذا الموقع الرسمي و قناة تعليمية على منصة اليوتوب و الفايسبوك تحت نفس الإسم ، ويديرها الأستاذ محمد بوجامع من المغرب. تهدف هذه القناة إلى تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية للناطقين بالعربية، مع التركيز على جعل الدروس سهلة الفهم لجميع الأعمار والمستويات. تقدم القناة مجموعة متنوعة من المحتوى، بما في ذلك تمارين لمتعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية، ودروس تعليمية حول القواعد والمفردات، ودروس محددة مصممة للطلاب المغاربة الذين يستعدون لامتحان البكالوريا و الإمتحانات الجامعية و مختلف الإمتحانات المتعلقة بتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية.

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