سلسلة الدروس الأسبوعية: الدرس الثامن (القراءة و الإستماع) الإنجليزية مع السيمو

Weekly Lessons : Lesson Eight | English With Simo

سلسلة الدروس الأسبوعية: الدرس الثامن

Lesson Eight: The Best and The Worst

Why is Joe's garden the most beautiful one in the town?
Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for 'The Nicest Garden Competition' each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joe's garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!

إستمع إلى النص من هنا

Task One: Read This Key Vocabulary

Word Translation Example
◼️The most beautiful الأكثر جمالا Marrakesh is the most beautiful city in Morocco.
️Competition المسابقة My friend won the competition last year.
◼️Work harder عمل بجد You should always work harder.
◼️Flowers الورود I have beautiful flowers in my garden.
️Vegetables الخضر Let's but some fresh vegetables from the market.
️Neat نظيف This hotel is very neat and clean.
️Paths ممرات He made neat paths in his garden.
️Wooden خشبي I have a very nice wooden chair at home.
️Bridge القنطرة There is a big bridge between the two cities.
◼️The pool المسبح The children are swimming in the pool.
️Prize جائزة Leonel Messi and CR7 won many prizes.

Task Two: True or False

بعد قراءة النص و الإستماع إليه في الملف الصوتي، أنجز التمرين التالي بإختيار إن كانت هذه الجمل صحيحة (True) أم خاطئة (False)

1. Bill Frith has the most beautiful garden: 🤔
2. Joe always wins the nicest garden competition: 🤔
3. Bill does more work than Joe in the garden: 🤔
4. The writer hates gardens: 🤔
5. The writer won a little prize for the best garden: 🤔

Task Three: Comprehension, Precis and Composition

أجب عن هذه الأسئلة في فقرة موجزة لا تتجاوز 50 كلمة. أجب عن كل سؤال في جملة مفيدة واحدة. هذه الأسئلة ستساعدك على كتابة خلاصة (precis) لأهم أفكار النص أعلاه.
◼️ Who has the best garden in town?
◼️ What does he win each year?
◼️ Who else has a fine garden?
◼️ Is Joe better or not?
◼️ Is the writer's garden beautiful, or is it terrible?
◼️ What does he always win a prize for?