Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
المقارنة بين الأشخاص أو الأشياء بإستعمال الصفات بالإنجليزية
Adjectives: Comparative and Superlative
في هذا الدرس ستتعلم مجموعة من الصفات (Adjectives) باللغة الإنجليزية مع طريقة صياغة جمل الوصف بإستعمال الصفات بالإنجليزية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ستتعلم طريقة المقارنة بين الأشياء أو الإشخاص بإستعمال الصفات الأكثر تداولا في اللغة الإنجليزية. بعد مشاهدة الفيديو أسفله، يمكنك الإشتغال على التمارين التفاعلية أسفله.
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Comparative and Superlative Interactive Exercises
1. The village is (small) than the city. |
2. Russia is (big) than Morocco. |
3. Cars are (expensive) than bicycles. |
4. Facebook is (popular) than Twitter. |
5. Asia is (large) continent in the world. |
6. An atom is (small) thing in the world. |
7. Messi is (famous) football player. |
8. Bugatti is (expensive) car in the world. |
9. Tomy wakes up (early) than his little brother. |
10. This exercise is (easy) than the previous one. |
11. Morocco is (good) than many countries in Africa. |
12. Messi is (good) football player in the world. |
13. I think that this hotel is (bad) than the one we stayed in last night. |
14. Many people agree that this is (bad) neighborhood in the city. |
15. The elephant is (big) animal in the forest. |
16. American actresses are (beautiful) than Indian ones. |
17. Ixphone11 Pro as (expensive) mobile phone in 2019. |
18. My friend is (fat) than his older brother. |
19. Bicycles are (slow) than motorbikes. |
20. Mr. Ahmed is (creative) teacher in our school. |
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