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تمارين تفاعلية لمراجعة دروس الوحدة الأولى و الثانية (Unit One and Two Review Exercises) لمستوى الثانية بكالوريا | الإنجليزية مع السيمو

2second Year BAC Interactive Exercises

Review of Unit (1) and (2)

Vocabulary + Garammar + Functions

تمارين مراجعة دروس الوحدة الأولى و الثانية لمستوى الثانية بكالوريا | الإنجليزية مع السيمو

هذه التمارين تهدف لتقويم معارفك في محتوى دروس الوحدة الأولى و الثانية لمستوى الثانية بكالوريا. جميع
جميع هذ التمارين تفاعلية، مما يمكنك من الإجابة على كل سؤال و تصحيحه بنفسك بدون مساعدة الأستاذ.
هذه التمارين تشمل:
تمرين تحويل الكمات إلى الصيغة المناسبة
تمرين ملئ الفراغات بالكلمات المناسبة حسب سياق الجملة
تمرين ربط الجمل بوظائفها اللغوية
تمرين قواعد اللغة، تحويل الفعل إلى الصيغة المناسبة
تمرين قواعد اللغة، ملئ الفراغات بالكلمات المناسبة

تمرين تحويل الكمات إلى الصيغة المناسبة

Put the words between brackets in the correct form. (10 points)
1. Thomas is very interested in politics. He is an active and (energy) politician.
2. Personally speaking, Ellen Show is the most (humour) show on YouTube.
3. Our employees (الموظفين) are very (ambition) that’s why we always make a big profit (ربح).
4. Our teacher tells us very (fun) jokes when we finish our lesson.
5. Mike is not a (sociability) person. He doesn’t enjoy the company of others.
6. My father pays my schools fees (تكاليف الدراسة), but I will be (dependent) when I get a job.
7. I usually feel so (disappointment) when I get a low mark in my exam.
8. He got the award (الجائزة) because his project was very (innovation).
9. Steve told us an (amusement) story yesterday. It made us burst into laughter
10. I believe that humour reduces (يقلص من) stress and (anxious).

تمرين ملئ الفراغات بالكلمات المناسبة حسب سياق الجملة

Complete the sentences with the words from the list. (10 points)
mood | youth | decision | dream | laugh | gap | break | humour | joking | ambitious
1. I have been working since the morning. I need to take a to relax.
2. My brother has a good sense of because he always plays jokes on us.
3. Tony is an student because he has a to be an engineer (مهندس) in the future.
4. Our government (الحكومة) will provide financial support (الدعم المادي) to talented in my school.
5. I am so confused (حائر)! Can you help me make the right about my future studies?
6. You should never at your classmates when they give wrong answers (أجوبة خاطئة) in class.
7. I was not serious when I said you failed the test. I was just with you.
8. Students are not in a good this morning because their exam was very difficult.
9. Generation refers to the misunderstanding (سوء الفهم) between youths and the elderly (المسنين)

تمرين ربط الجمل بوظائفها اللغوية

Statements Functions
Students ought to revise their lessons every day to get excellent marks.
Could you elaborate on that idea please?
To my mind, using humour at school and work is very important.
I might travel to Spain next summer, but I am not quite sure about it.
I feel the same way about that idea.
My younger brother can play the piano like a professional.
This man solves complicated maths equations. He must be a genius.
I don’t see what you mean about that.
We needn’t go shopping today because we have everything in the kitchen.
I don’t share the view on that topic.

تمرين قواعد اللغة، تحويل الفعل إلى الصيغة المناسبة

Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form. (5 points)
1. We are looking forward to (see) you next summer holiday.
2. I was very happy (meet) my old friend at the mall yesterday.
3. If you finish your work, let’s (go) out and have fun with our friends.
4. Young people are not very interested in (take) part in politics and social work.
5. Would you mind (help) your brother do his homework?

تمرين قواعد اللغة، ملئ الفراغات بالكلمات المناسبة

Complete the following sentences with the correct modals from the list. (7 points)
1. Students use their phones in the class. It’s forbidden.
(should | needn’t | mustn’t | can)
2. Take this money because you need it when you travel.
(should | may | have to | could)
3. You take your umbrella because the weather will be fine tomorrow.
(must | can’t | may | needn’t)
4. Passengers show their passports before they go in the airport.
(had to | must | may | need to)
5. It’s too late now. You sent me your CV three weeks ago.
(should | must | should have | must have)
6. The police arrested Stephen yesterday. He done something bad.
(could have | should have | must have)
7. The exercise was easy. I finished it in 5 minutes, but I took my time.
(could have | should have | might)

عرض الثانية بكالوريا مع الأستاذ السيمو

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