✅الثانية بكالوريا: تمارين تفاعلية خاصة بدرس (Gerund and Infinitive) الإنجليزية مع السيمو
تمارين تفاعلية خاصة بدرس قواعد اللغة | الإنجليزية مع السيمو
Gerund and Infinitive
فيديو الشرح المفصل لدرس قواعد اللغة | Gerund and infinitive
للإشتراك في الدروس المدفوعة لمستوى الثانية بكالوريا
التمرين الأول: ضع الأفعال التي توجد بين قوسين في الصيغة المناسبة
1. She is having a very bad headache. She should (see) a doctor soon. |
2. Although the teacher asked students to be quiet, they kept on (talk) for a long time. |
3. We might (travel) somewhere next weekend. |
4. They used to (live) in Casablanca. Now, they live in Marrakesh. |
5. I am used to (eat) boiled eggs. I like this salad so much. |
6. I think he would like (stay) with us for some time. |
7. Ami like (read) English books and stories. |
8. I started (collect) stamps many years ago. |
9. This exercise is easy (answer). We did this many times in class. |
10. It's no good (explain) the lesson again when students already understood. |
11. My grandfather can't stand (live) in a noisy area because he is sick. |
12. They always enjoy (spend) their holidays in Spain. |
13. Would you mind (be) quiet, please. You are distracting me. |
14. They decided (live) in the countryside for some time. |
15. The government must (give) young people equal opportunities. |
16. My little brother is really good at (play) the piano. |
17. The exercise is not easy (do). It's very difficult. |
18. Can you show me how (get) to the airport please? |
19. I was bored, but my friends suggested (go) to cinema next weekend. |
20. If you are bored, let's (watch) an American movie. |