English With Simo - Your Pathway To Excellence

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  • العودة الى الصفحة الرئيسية
  • الثانية بكالوريا: تمرين تفاعلي خاص بتحويل الكلمات إلى الصيعة المناسبة (الكلمات المهمة في جميع وحدات الثانية بكالوريا) الإنجليزية مع السيمو

    الثانية بكالوريا: تمرين تفاعلي خاص بتحويل الكلمات إلى الصيعة المناسبة (الكلمات المهمة في جميع وحدات الثانية بكالوريا) الإنجليزية مع السيمو

    Word Form Changing Exercise: 2-BAC

    تمارين تحويل الكلمات إلى الصيغة المناسبة (أهم الكلمات في كل الوحدات)

    English With Simo

    Put The Words Between Brackets In The Correct Form

    1. Young people are known to be (talent) in different domains.
    2. My friend is never scared of anything. She is an (adventure) girl.
    3. This film is based on an (imagination) story. It’s not real.
    4. Some students have dreams to be pilots in the future. They are (ambition) students.
    5. Do you have the (audacious) to go out at night alone?
    6. Tom and Jerry are the most (humor) cartoons kids love.
    7. Hodja tales are very (fun) and amusing.
    8. I don’t agree with the old saying: “Money can’t buy (happy).
    9. You shouldn’t be a (pessimism) person in your life. You should be (optimism) .
    10. My father was not serious when he said that. He was just (kid) .
    11. Formal (educate) is the type of learning that students take from primary school to university.
    12. To get a good job in Morocco, you need both (know) and experience.
    13. Owing to (illiterate) and (poor) girls in rural areas work as housemaids in cities.
    14. Many Moroccan teachers are complaining about the inappropriate (behave) of teenager students.
    15. The government as well as associations should (cooperation) to improve the situation of education
    16. The aim of this campaign is to raise (aware) about the dangers of drug use at school.
    17. The government is trying to reduce the rate of (illiterate) in rural areas,
    18. This initiative will contribute the (economy) development of our society.
    19. “Economic (grow) is our priority to achieve development,” said the minister.
    20. United Nations signed an (agree) with the militias to stop the war in the middle east.
    21. Time (manage) is the key to success.
    22. The current excessive (consume) of natural resources will put us in danger in the long term.
    23. Women contribute to the (develop) of our society just like men do.
    24. Some sociologists proclaim that women are as (power) as men.
    25. “We should (improvement) house maids wages” an NGO member said.
    26. Women associations are calling for (equal) an many other rights.
    27. Everyone is (freedom) to express his opinion about the issue.
    28. Most rural women are (ignorance) and (illiteracy) that’s why they attend adult (literate) programs.
    29. Some Moroccan women have proven that they are (success) in all domains of life.
    30. My uncle made all the necessary (arrange) for the wedding celebration.
    31. Nowadays most people are not (interest) in celebration “moussem” in Morocco.
    32. We have to accept (difference) cultures in order to avoid culture shock.
    33. In Summer, people celebrate different (culture) events and rituals.
    34. In wedding celebrations men and women wear (tradition) clothes.
    35. I don’t (belief) in ghosts and magic. The boy said.
    36. Moroccan people are very (hospitality) because they offer food to strangers.
    37. African Americans believe that the whites are very (racism) in USA.
    38. Morocco is known for its cultural (diverse) because we have different cultures.
    39. There must be an international (cooperate) to stop the war in Syria.
    40. The boy was (courage) enough to ask the president a few questions.
    41. Active citizenship refers to the (involve) of youth in political life.
    42. The (govern) should consider a (difference) approach to education.
    43. Active citizens usually take part in (volunteer) work.
    44. It was a great (initiate) from Mrs. Najia Nadir to donate money to build a school in Settate Morocco.
    45. By taking part in politics, young people can (contribution) to positive changes in society.
    46. Citizens should always promote (nation) values and combat hate speech and racism.
    47. Many factories are closed because of (finance) difficulties.
    48. One objective of UN is to provide medical (assist) to victims of natural disasters.
    49. Moroccan association will (co-operation) together to reduce to rate of illiteracy.
    50. The organization of Green Peace’s objective to fight against (ecology) problems.
    51. Pollution is of the most dangerous (environment) problems that we organizations should give (prior) to.
    52. Forcing your children to drop out of school is a (violate) of human rights.
    53. Some organizations use online advertisements to promote (aware) in the world.
    54. Young people’s (involve) in politics is a good indicator for change in the future.
    55. “Paying taxes contributes the economic (grow) of the county” said the minister.
    56. Virtual Reality is one of the biggest (invent) of our time.
    57. Internet (addict) is a very dangerous phenomenon.
    58. Watching TV for a long time is considered to be (harm) for the eyes.
    59. Using mobile phones while driving can be very (danger) for drivers.
    60. Cloning is one of the most controversial scientific (discover).
    61. Some students come up with very (creativity) ideas that show they can (achievement) a lot in the future.
    62. Bluetooth technology enables one device to (connection) to another without a cable.
    63. Private companies can also contribute to the (develop) of our economy.
    64. An (immigration) from France declared that he suffered a lot from (race) and discrimination.
    65. Some Gulf businessmen are very (wealth) because their countries export petrol.
    66. Brain Drain is the departure of (skill) workers from their countries to developed countries to look for better-paying jobs.
    67. The (govern) should help graduated students and genius students so that they will not leave their countries.
    68. Many technology (invent) have made our lives easier and more comfortable.
    69. This campaign is organized to fight against (unemployed) and (legal) immigration.
    70. Your spoken English still needs more (improve).
    71. My friend always gets (finance) support from his father. I think he will never be (dependent).
    72. I know that the exercise is difficult, but if you need any (clarify) do not hesitate to ask me.
    73. Can you please (illustration) this idea more because I don’t understand it well.
    74. When you finish writing this letter make sure you don’t forget your (sign).
    75. You should submit this paper (immediate) after you complete it.
    76. Many immigrants know that it is (risk) to overstay your visa in western countries.
    77. Because of (economy) crisis many countries got money from the world bank.
    78. The international community is planning to give more importance to (renew) energy.
    79. Our country’s (invest) in renewable energy is the first step towards achieving (sustain) development.
    80. This course is very (benefit) for students who are planning to continue their studies abroad.
    81. We should all work together to promote (universe) values such as peace and love.
    82. My friend did not make the right (decide) when he applied for that course at university.
    83. Ali’s (child) was not a happy one because his parents died in a car accident when he was two.
    84. Thanks to the driver’s (react), a lot of lives were saved.
    85. Internet (literate) is something that our children should be aware of.
    86. Why did you (conclusion) your essay with an idea that is off-topic?
    87. Internet (safe) has become a priority for all users.
    88. You should have submitted your (apply) a long time ago. It’s too late now.
    89. The aim of this medical project is to (prevention) the spread of the virus in our area.
    90. Mobile games have become a new way of (entertain) for many people nowadays.

    مواضيع مهمة أيضا

    الإنجليزية مع السيمو هي منصة و مدونة تعليمية يستضيفها بشكل أساسي هذا الموقع الرسمي و قناة تعليمية على منصة اليوتوب و الفايسبوك تحت نفس الإسم ، ويديرها الأستاذ محمد بوجامع من المغرب. تهدف هذه القناة إلى تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية للناطقين بالعربية، مع التركيز على جعل الدروس سهلة الفهم لجميع الأعمار والمستويات. تقدم القناة مجموعة متنوعة من المحتوى، بما في ذلك تمارين لمتعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية، ودروس تعليمية حول القواعد والمفردات، ودروس محددة مصممة للطلاب المغاربة الذين يستعدون لامتحان البكالوريا و الإمتحانات الجامعية و مختلف الإمتحانات المتعلقة بتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية.

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