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  • English Conversation Four: Describing People

    English Conversations: Describing People
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    I. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks below:

    A: Have you seen the new girl in school?
    B: No, I haven't.
    A: She's really pretty.
    B: .
    A: She's not too tall.
    B: Well, ?
    A: She's about five feet even.
    B: , though?
    A: She has pretty light brown eyes.
    B: I may know which girl you're talking about.
    A: ?
    B: Yes, I have.

    I. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks below:

    A: There's a new girl in school, have you seen her yet?
    B: .
    A: I think that she is very pretty.
    B: .
    A: She's kind of short.
    B: ?
    A: She's probably about five feet.
    B: That's nice, .
    A: The first thing I noticed was her beautiful brown eyes.
    B: I think I might've bumped into her before.
    A: Are you telling me that you've seen her before?
    B: .

    I. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks below:

    A: Have you met the new girl?
    B: No. Have you?
    A: She's one of the prettiest girls at the school.
    B: ?
    A: Well, .
    B: How tall would you say that she is?
    A: I would say she's only five feet.
    B: ?
    A: She has light brown eyes, absolutely beautiful.
    B: I think I know who you're talking about.
    A: ?
    B: I think that I have.

    الإنجليزية مع السيمو مدونة للأستاذ محمد بوجامع من المغرب. هذه المدونة مصممة لمساعدة المتعلمين العرب على فهم جميع دروس اللغة الإنجليزية لجميع المستويات و كذلك تأهيل المتعلمين لإجتياز الإمتحانات الوطنية بنقط مشرفة. لذلك يتم إستعمال اللغة العربية لشرح دروس الإنجليزية مع تقديم تمارين، نمادج إمتحانات، شروحات بالفيديو و كذلك كتب و برامج تعلم الإنجليزية.

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