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  • English Conversation Seven: Complimenting A Friend

    مجاملة شخص حول ملابسه
    I. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks below:

    A: .
    B: Thank you. I just got this outfit the other day.
    A: Really, ?
    B: I got it from Macy's.
    A: .
    B: Thanks again. , too.
    A: Thank you. .
    B: Really? What kind of shoes are they?
    A: These are called All Star Chuck Taylors.
    B: I really like those. How much did they cost?
    A: .
    B: I think I'm going to go buy myself a pair.

    I. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks below:

    A: I absolutely love .
    B: You do? I just bought this outfit a couple days ago.
    A: Seriously, . Where did you buy it from?
    B: I bought it from the Macy's at the Santa Anita mall.
    A: .
    B: Thanks. I think you look nice today, too.
    A: Thank you. I just bought these new shoes earlier today.
    B: . What are they?
    A: These are some Chucks.
    B: . How much were they?
    A: I got them for forty.
    B: I think I might go and find me my own pair of Chucks.

    I. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks below:

    A: I think that .
    B: ? This is a brand new outfit.
    A: What store did you get it from?
    B: I went to Macy's and picked it out.
    A: .
    B: Well, I think you look nice today too.
    A: Thanks. I found these new shoes earlier at the store.
    B: I think that those are some really nice shoes. What kind are they?
    A: These are Chucks.
    B: . How much did you get them for?
    A: They only cost me about forty dollars.
    B: .

    الإنجليزية مع السيمو مدونة للأستاذ محمد بوجامع من المغرب. هذه المدونة مصممة لمساعدة المتعلمين العرب على فهم جميع دروس اللغة الإنجليزية لجميع المستويات و كذلك تأهيل المتعلمين لإجتياز الإمتحانات الوطنية بنقط مشرفة. لذلك يتم إستعمال اللغة العربية لشرح دروس الإنجليزية مع تقديم تمارين، نمادج إمتحانات، شروحات بالفيديو و كذلك كتب و برامج تعلم الإنجليزية.

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