تمارين الإمتحان الوطني: تصريف الكلمات (Word Form Changing) معجم التنمية المستدامة [Sustainable Development] و التربية و التعليم [Education]

Vocabulary Exercises: National Exam Samples By English With Simo

نمادج تمارين المعجم في الإمتحانات الوطنية

هذا التمرين يجمع بين مصطلحات متعلقة بمعجم التنمية المستدامة [sustainable development] و معجم التربية و التعليم [education]، كلمات من المهم جدا على المتعلم ضبطها في سنة الثانية بكالوريا مع معرفة كيفية حويلها إلى أسماء [nouns] أو نعوت [adjectives]. هذا التمرين سيساعدك كثيرا في التدرب على طريقة الإجابة على مثل هذه التمارين في الإمتحانات الوطنية لأنني قمت بتصميمه على طريقة نمادج الإمتحانات الوطنية.

المطلوب منك في هذا التمرين هو تحويل الكلمة التي توجد بين قوسين إما لإسم [noun] أو لنعت [adjective] أو لفعل [verb] حسب سياق الجملة.

Vocabulary Exercise: Education Vocabulary + Sustainable development vocabulary

✅To get a job in that company, you need both (know) and experience.
✅Feminist groups are always fighting for women’s (free) adnd (equal) in rights.
✅Women have attained remarkable (achieve) in politics and other domains.
✅Many people do not agree with the (govern) policy on education.
✅The aim of this foundation is to raise people’s (aware) about the dangers of fanaticism.
✅Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are two of the most (success) businessmen in the world.
✅Morocco got some (finance) support from France to launch the electric high-speed train TGV.
✅Owing to (poor) and (unemployed) may students drop out of school.
✅The main causes of bad (behave) are (illiterate) and (ignorant)
✅You should sign (partner) with the ministry of education for this association to be successful.
✅African countries will always remain underdeveloped because of (corrupt) in their economic systems.
✅My friend came back from America because he could not (integration) in USA society.
✅Many world organizations are worried about the increasing population (grow) in the world.
✅This car is not economical anymore. Fuel (consume) has increased 10% more.
✅Nasser Zafzafi was fighting for world where (just) prevails.
✅The increasing temperature in the world will certainly result in global (warm) on the long term.

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